· Safe removal of fat
During this procedure, antibiotics will be injected to your system an hour before the surgery to prevent infection. Your body is marked for surgery and another type of sterilizing solution called Betadine is applied to these areas. A sedative is sometimes given orally. Then small incisions are made on the location of liposuction where they fat is drawn from. This procedure is less involving and usually takes a few hours.
· Reduction of cellulite
Cellulite can make you extremely uncomfortable and self-conscious, especially for women. These are just fat deposits in your thigh area but with liposuction, they will improve. The procedure reduces fat cells that are responsible for accumulation of excess fat in these areas. So if there are pants you really love but just do not seem to budge around the thigh area, some liposuction would be advisable.
· Improved health
Liposuction is basically for losing fat and usually its extra fat that your body does not need. After this procedure, your body will be lighter and healthier in general. Excess fat is always a problem and causes conditions such as heart conditions and overall body activity is affected.
· Changes the way you look, and the way others perceive you
You might wonder how these two go together. Well, it is true; people create perceptions about you, just by looking at you. With a few procedures here and there, you become rejuvenated and motivated to go out there and do more. This creates a positive energy around you which other people will clearly notice.
· Boost your self-esteem
You will definitely feel better about yourself after this procedure. Self-esteem issues arise from having imperfections and dwelling on them. Liposuction is best for those small but irritating fat deposits that you somehow cannot get rid of at the gym. In a matter of hours, they are removed and with your imperfections out of the way, the new you will have more confidence than ever.
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